Photovoltaic power plants and their role in the landscape: an analysis of the impact on birds
Field of study: Zoology
Leader: Mgr. Marie Kotasová Adámková, Ph.D.
Thesis type: bachelor's
Topic availability: Not available
Field of study: Zoology
Leader: Mgr. Marie Kotasová Adámková, Ph.D.
Thesis type: bachelor's
Topic availability: Not available
Field of study: Zoology
Leader: Mgr. Marie Kotasová Adámková, Ph.D.
Thesis type: bachelor's
Topic availability: Not available
Field of study: Zoology
Leader: Mgr. Marie Kotasová Adámková, Ph.D.
Thesis type: bachelor's
Topic availability: Not available
Field of study: Students` Professional Activities
Leader: Mgr. Helena Chytrá
Thesis type: high school
Topic availability: Not available
Field of study: Students` Professional Activities
Leader: X
Thesis type: high school
Topic availability: Available
Field of study: Students` Professional Activities
Leader: Mgr. Marie Kotasová Adámková, Ph.D.
Thesis type: high school
Topic availability: Not available
Field of study: Nature Conservation
Leader: Mgr. Marie Kotasová Adámková, Ph.D.
Thesis type: master's
Topic availability: Not available
Field of study: Zoologie
Leader: Mgr. Marie Kotasová Adámková, Ph.D.
Thesis type: bachelor's
Topic availability: Not available
Field of study: Zoology
Leader: Mgr. Marie Kotasová Adámková, Ph.D.
Thesis type: bachelor's
Topic availability: Not available
Environmental Management and Nature Conservation Group
Institute of Botany and Zoology
Faculty of Science
Masaryk University
Kotlářská 2, 611 37 Brno
University campus Bohunice
pavilion D32
Kamenice 753/5, 625 00 Brno