Thesis topics

Photovoltaic power plants and their role in the landscape: an analysis of the impact on birds

Field of study: Zoology

Leader: Mgr. Marie Kotasová Adámková, Ph.D.

Thesis type: bachelor's

Topic availability: Not available

Comparison of methods for assessing species diversity and abundance of bird populations in wetlands

Field of study: Zoology

Leader: Mgr. Marie Kotasová Adámková, Ph.D.

Thesis type: bachelor's

Topic availability: Not available

The European-important species of Bombina bombina: ecological demands and threats

Field of study: Zoology

Leader: Mgr. Marie Kotasová Adámková, Ph.D.

Thesis type: bachelor's

Topic availability: Not available

Monitoring of invasive plant species in the wetlands of South Moravia: Occurrence and spread

Field of study: Students` Professional Activities

Leader: Mgr. Helena Chytrá

Thesis type: high school

Topic availability: Not available

Monitoring of coprophagous beetle species on wetland pastures

Field of study: Students` Professional Activities

Leader: X

Thesis type: high school

Topic availability: Available

Butterflies of the meadow wetland in the valley floodplain of Spálený Potok

Field of study: Students` Professional Activities

Leader: Mgr. Marie Kotasová Adámková, Ph.D.

Thesis type: high school

Topic availability: Not available

Monitoring changes in species diversity and size of breeding bird populations

Field of study: Nature Conservation

Leader: Mgr. Marie Kotasová Adámková, Ph.D.

Thesis type: master's

Topic availability: Not available

The effect of ecological restoration of lowland meadow wetlands on populations of reed-dwelling bird

Field of study: Zoologie

Leader: Mgr. Marie Kotasová Adámková, Ph.D.

Thesis type: bachelor's

Topic availability: Not available

Monitoring small terrestrial mammal communities in response to revitalization

Field of study: Zoology

Leader: Mgr. Marie Kotasová Adámková, Ph.D.

Thesis type: bachelor's

Topic availability: Not available

Environmental Management and Nature Conservation Group

Correspondence address

Institute of Botany and Zoology
Faculty of Science
Masaryk University
Kotlářská 2, 611 37 Brno

Workplace address

University campus Bohunice
pavilion D32
Kamenice 753/5, 625 00 Brno